
Become Yourself
Hi, I’m Yumin
I am an integrative psychotherapist. I want to help you to develop your biggest potential and support you to walk on your true path in life with my profession and expertise.
Integrative Psychotherapy
Yumin’s approach is Integrative Psychotherapy. Her therapeutic philosophy is to help clients achieve self-awareness where she introduces tools that help clients independently manage their emotions, change destructive behavior and raise awareness.
Public Speaking and Workshop
Yumin has shared her professional knowledge and life experience in different conferences. She hopes that through interactions in public lectures and workshops, more people can understand intergrative psychotherapy, gain tools for self-discovery and growth, and in turn make better career and life plans for a fulfilling and happy life.
Understanding Trauma Through Brain Structure
Bessel van der Kolk, a US psychiatrist, defines trauma as an experience or disaster that leaves people in a state of helplessness and terror, thereby losing the ability to deal with the problems, threats and disasters in everyday life. Traumatic incidents can cause profound and lasting changes in our physiology, emotions, cognition and memory, as well as cutting off the connections between these four components.
Does Astrology Have Any Scientific Basis?
In conclusion, the reason why astrology has gained such a negative reputation in the scientific and academic fields over the past decades is because the majority of astrologists have emphasized on foretelling and making predictions, rather than focusing on a person’s inner life. Using astrology as a tool for self-development and achievement should be the direction for modern astrology.
3 Ways to Nurture Your Emotions
Do emotions get the best of you? Acceptance and nurturing are the first steps to taking back control. We tend to avoid, hide or numb our emotions. However, emotions don’t disappear just because we won’t face them. It will change form and may show up destructively in different areas of our life. Today, I will talk about how to identify, express, and manage our emotions.
5 Warning Signs of Dating Violence and How to Seek Help
Dating violence is when one person tries to control the other through verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. It may happen in heterosexual, homosexual or other sexual minority groups. In this video, I introduce different types of dating violence and warning signs to be aware of…
5 Misconceptions About Mental Health
Managing our mental health is as important as our physical health. We all visit our doctor during an illness, but we should also seek help if we experience psychological challenges. There are still stigmas in society that prevent people experiencing mental health issues to speak up and ask for help.
How to Reduce Anxiety Through Meditation
It is common for us to feel anxious during important events in life such as public speaking, a job interview, or going on a first date. Today, I will teach a 3-minute meditation that can quickly help reduce your anxiety.
Schedule a consultation
(401) 889 - 4688
331 Broadway
Suite 201
Providence, Rhode Island 02909